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The Big Give is Today

September 17 beginning at 11 a.m. Columbus will be running a huge online donation drive for more than 600 local nonprofit organizations. The Big Give is put on by The Columbus Foundation, and the purpose is for the entire city to work together to make Columbus even better.

The Big Give is a dynamic community-wide opportunity to support hundreds of nonprofits working to strengthen and improve our community. Utilizing the Foundation’s online marketplace, PowerPhilanthropy®, you can show your spirit by giving to one or more of 600 central Ohio nonprofits during The Big Give.

Choose your favorite Columbus nonprofit during the 24-hour donation drive that ends September 18 at 11 a.m. And The Columbus Foundation along with its family of donors and community partners will be providing a 1 million dollar bonus pool for the nonprofits involved as well.

Simply click here and choose your favorite Columbus organization(s). Let’s make Columbus even better together!

For donations: http://tcfapp.org/MatchDay/Index

For more information: http://columbusfoundation.org/central-ohio/transformative-grants/the-big-give/