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Mary with the other two dental hygienists and Dr. Schumacher and Dr. Bauer

Thank you for 25 years, Mary!

After 25 years of dedicated work, our BELOVED Mary will be retiring, but thankfully only partially. We will still have the pleasure of seeing Mary Tuesday mornings. We have loved having Mary work here full time as a dental hygienist at Schumacher & Bauer and will miss her terribly! She has worked here through three dentists, Dr. Rummel, Dr. Schumacher, and Dr. Bauer. Mary has worked with countless patients, and she has stayed on top of the latest trends in dentistry.

Getting to know patients and establishing relationships with her patients was one of Mary’s top priorities. Her emotional connection with her patients meant a lot to her, and she notes it was a very important part of being a good dental hygienist. She also had deep relationships with the people that she worked with, who she loves dearly.

In a goodbye letter, Mary wrote;

“On June 16, 2019, I will celebrate my 25th anniversary with Schumacher & Bauer, DDS (formerly Rummel & Schumacher, DDS). In July, I will begin my transition to retirement by working one day a week. I am excited to begin spending more time with my three granddaughters and one grandson, visiting with family and friends in Minnesota and Chicago, and vacationing with my husband, Joe. I am also looking forward to visiting England and Ireland with my siblings. I have been fortunate to work with three amazing doctors and the staff that supports them in my career at Schumacher & Bauer. To my patients, thank you for your trust and loyalty. I feel that I can call each of you a friend, and it has been a privilege to serve you. See you around town!”

As the newest hygienist here at Schumacher & Bauer, Jake asked Mary a few parting questions and asked for some advice.

Jake: What has been the best part about working here at Schumacher & Bauer (formerly Rummel & Schumacher)?

Mary: I would have to say, the progression of technology has been pretty awesome. The new dentistry that has come about throughout the years has been amazing and it is constantly changing. Dr. Bauer is getting into many of the new technologies like the laser, and I am just fascinated by it! Besides that, all my coworkers and all my relationships with my patients have been pretty great.

Jake: What made you want to become a dental hygienist?

Mary: I went to a small family dentist in Minnesota when I was younger, and they had these drawers of instruments that I was always so curious about. I was always interested in what the instruments were used for and my curiosity led me to pursue dental hygiene. My dentist was also really great, and I always had good experiences.

Jake: Any words of wisdom for people who are just starting out in the dental hygiene field?

Mary: It’s not just a patient or a body; people have emotions and feelings. Listen to your patients and make them feel as comfortable as possible. You could be the best clinician, but if you don’t know something about your patient, it doesn’t create a good relationship. Just be a good listener and a personable clinician, and your patients will feel more comfortable and in turn, will make your job easier.

Jake: Do you think you will miss working full time?

Mary: I will. I will miss all my patients because they are awesome! They are all so amazing, and whoever takes my place, I hope they have as much fun as we had and enjoy our patients.

Thank you for all your years of work and dedication to our practice! The team loves you, you’ll always have a home here at Schumacher & Bauer, DDS.

We’re featuring stories and suggestions from the team members at Schumacher & Bauer, DDS in our new monthly blog series. You can view all posts in this series here