Happy Holidays from the Schumacher & Bauer, DDS team!

By |2014-12-10T16:20:15-05:00December 10th, 2014|Schumacher and Bauer News|

The Schumacher & Bauer, DDS, team had a great time celebrating the holidays last weekend. We met at Grandview Yard to jump into a party bus, which took us to Joey Chang's in Hilliard. Next we stopped at Milestone 229, 16-Bit Bar + Arcade, and then we had dinner in Grandview at the Buckeye Hall [...]

Thank you, Eva!

By |2014-07-30T12:40:10-04:00July 30th, 2014|Schumacher and Bauer News|

Eva, Dr. Schumacher's dental assistant, is "retiring" to be a stay-at-home mom. Eva's expecting her third child, and we wish her the best of luck. We sent Eva off the right way with a delicious going away party at Melt. Thank you, Eva, for five years of dedicated service. The Schumacher & Bauer, DDS, team [...]

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