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Photo of young child holding a toothbrush and a large toy tooth on a pink background

Children’s dental health and sugar bugs

Did you know that February was National Children’s Dental Health Month? Knowing and demonstrating the importance of good oral health starts at a young age, so I try to lead by example with my daughter Gemma.

We have to teach our kids that good oral hygiene is critical, and that it should be part of our everyday routine. My daughter Gemma and I have a little routine of our own where we count all her teeth and then she “brushes” her teeth — and I go back after her turn and actually brush them.

Gemma asked me for the longest time why she had to brush her teeth. I made up a story and let her know that little “sugar bugs” live in all the food we eat and the things we drink. We have to brush our teeth each morning and night to make sure all those little sugar bugs are gone. So of course she has to check the mirror after brushing to make sure she brushed away all the sugar bugs.

My biggest fear when I am in the dental chair, and I’m sure many can relate, is that the dentist is going to diagnose an area of decay and find a cavity. As a parent that’s my biggest fear when it comes to my daughter’s teeth as well.

We can take steps to prevent tooth decay in our own mouths as well as in our children’s. To improve children’s dental health, I recommend parents start brushing the moment they see their baby has a tooth, make sure children eat a balanced diet, try to limit sugary foods and drinks, schedule regular dental checkups/cleanings, and most importantly, FLOSS!

As adults I know some of us have a hard time remembering to floss regularly, but we all could do a better job and set a good example for our little ones, myself included. :)

If you have questions about children’s dental health, don’t be afraid to ask the next time you’re in to see the Schumacher & Bauer team. We love helping the little ones start great oral health habits at an early age!

Aly Mowery, Schumacher & Bauer headshot

Author: Aly Mowrey

Aly is Dr. Schumacher’s treatment coordinator and has been with Schumacher & Bauer, DDS for more than four years. In her free time she enjoys spending time with her amazing daughter Gemma and their two dogs, Bolt and Bella.